15.10.2024 EMPOWER
Digitally designing and milling breakfast boards
OnĀ 7th and 8th of September 2024, the EMPOWER team invited visitors to the science market of Mainz to take part and exchange ideas.
Using vivid examples, the EMPOWER project team succeeded in engaging in conversation with interested citizens with an affinity for science about megatrend topics and their pilot projects. For example, visitors learned about digital manufacturing by designing and milling their own breakfast board.
Other thematic points of reference included a pregnancy simulator, a quiz on New Work, a flash mob study on the need for on-site care in physiotherapy, a filling station for flower seeds, an exhibition of mobile gardens and VR glasses that simulated virtual worlds. Another highlight was the mobile climate measuring station, where selfies could be taken with a thermal imaging camera.
The science market transfers topics and projects from the joint universities to the region
“EMPOWER made a strong showing at the 22nd Mainz Science Market,” says Dr. Susanne Weiß-Wittstadt, EMPOWER Network Management and Coordination. “The wide range of me-gatrends-specific hands-on activities, a dedicated team and the great atmosphere in the EM-POWER tent ensured that we came into contact with numerous visitors from all age groups.” Due to the positive response, the EMPOWER team has decided to return to the next Mainz Science Market.Titel Marginalspalte