
Funding for student associations and other organizations

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports measures that promote the networking and exchange of students on higher education policy issues of nationwide relevance.


16.12.2024 Workshops

IHS workshop on internal university communication

On December 4, 2024, 80 IHS project partners met online to discuss how communication can succeed at the university and in the project networks. A keynote speech and four working groups provided participants with tools and ideas for good and effective communication.


18.11.2024 ZukunftStadt

The Transferale in Berlin

The Transferale took place at the Silent Green event location in Berlin from 25 - 27 September 2024 as the central event for the presentation of the IHS partnership ‘Zukunft findet Stadt’. All interested citizens were invited. There was also an event day especially for school classes.


22.10.2024 Workshops

Workshop “Collaboration with non-university partners”

How can I, as a member of a university, find a non-university partner? How do I maintain the collaboration in the long term? The IHS (“Innovative Hochschule”) project partners explored these questions at a workshop in Mainz from 9 to 10 October 2024.


15.10.2024 EMPOWER

Digitally designing and milling breakfast boards

On 7th and 8th of September 2024, the EMPOWER team invited visitors to the science market of Mainz to take part and exchange ideas.


23.09.2024 4transfer

The potential of transfer

On September 18, 2024, the 4transfer annual conference took place at Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig. In lectures and workshops, the participants approached the topic of knowledge and technology transfer from the perspectives of science, municipalities, art and politics.


16.09.2024 TransforMA

How children and young people can successfully participate in research

How does citizen science work, how can citizens be successfully involved in research projects? This was the question addressed by the IHS project TransforMA: Last year, it provided scientific support for the citizen science project ‘Die Sprach-Checker’ (The Language Checkers) and derived a guideline for successful citizen science projects.


16.09.2024 CreatiF

Testing the future of filmmaking

How will the use of artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and virtual production techniques in film and art change the way we tell stories? At the Film Innovation Lab in July 2024, start-ups and experts from the film industry were able to discuss this question with the public.


27.08.2024 THALESruhr

Taking the BO MachMobil to the citizens

THALESruhr, the sustainability project at Bochum University of Applied Sciences, is reaching out to citizens in a converted electric van to promote transformation processes. The mobile field office invites the people of the Ruhr Metropolis to engage in dialogue at eye level and to discuss the topics of sustainability and change.


15.08.2024 LIGETI

“Innovative Hochschule” on the radio

The German broadcast station NDR has recently published a long radio feature from its “Welt der Musik” series about the ligeti centre in Hamburg. LIGETI is a project of three Hamburg universities and the University Hospital Hamburg that is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the State of Hamburg. It combines arts, science, health, and technology in a variety of ways.
